Parent Resources During COVID-19
As a special education advocate, I worry about all the children at home with special needs. I hear from my clients that some children are receiving excellent support and some are not. Some children are online from 9 am to 2 pm, while others get a check-in once a week.
Needless to say, many children are regressing in the skills they had before everyone was sent home.
As a mom of 2 children who exhibited very difficult behaviors, if they were school age during this difficult time, behavior management and some fun activities would be extent of my support. I’m not convinced much schooling would have been accomplished.
On April 15, 2020, Roxanne Bradley, Certified Special Education Advocate, presented at the Authentically U Marketing virtual meeting.
I was asked by Julie A. Corbett of Authentically U Marketing to provide tips and tricks to use during this difficult time. Any links provided in the video are also listed in this blog post.
For an additional fun idea, read Virtual Cruise to New Orleans on this site.
Being responsible for helping your kids learn can be daunting at best. FoxNews reached out to homeschooling experts in this article for some guidance.
Here are additional links that might prove useful.
Oriental Trading Company - This is a company that has all kinds of small toys and learning tools. I go here get ideas for fun things to do. They are typically inexpensive.
Mightier by Neuromotion Labs - This product helps students learn self-regulation. One of my clients has found this quite useful for her son.
Educational Links
Spark by Epic - This looks like a really good resource for online books and learning games for students 12 and under. According to the site, you can get free access by talking to your child’s teacher.
Virtual Tours - This list of links was put together by Good Housekeeping. It includes museums, zoos, aquariums, and theme parks.
Unite for Literacy - Picture books on all kinds of topics. Also, they have multiple language books. You can read the book yourself or it will read it to you.
Audible by Amazon - While schools are closed, Audible is offering fee audio books for kids. They are all ages and across 8 different languages.
Live Support
Learning Differences World
Monday through Thursday
Now through May 21
2 pm to 5 pm
Zoom - click the link above to register. Use the link in the email to attend as many times as you would like. Search your email for “zzzzz” to find it.
Knippenberg, Patterson, Langley, and Associates
Tuesday & Thursday at 9:30 am
Facebook Live - click the link above
Summer Camps
These are specialized camps I found online. They currently say they will be open this summer.
Knippenberg, Patterson, Langley, and Associates - Social Skills Summer Camp for children 2nd grade through 10th grade.
Results Learning - C.E.O. Executive Functioning Summer Camp
Colorado Healing Hearts Camp - by Families by Design - This is typically for families with children who have been adopted.
Art Garage - Art classes for kids from 3 to 12.
Camp Big Tree - Sleep away nature camp for kids 12-16 years old with sensory processing disorders, learning and/or attention
Camp Little Tree - 3-day sleep away nature camp for kids 8-12 years old with sensory integration (SI) impairments, as well as learning and/or attention deficits.
Denver Museum of Nature & Science - Not a specialized camp, but might be appropriate. They offer full-day camps for grades K-6 and half-day camps for kids ages 4-5.
Exceptional Student Services Unit (ESSU) - Colorado Department of Education
COVID-19 and Special Education - Overview page of the resources they are providing.
Learning Support for Students with Disabilities - Provides a curated set of resources to support remote learning. They are arranged by topic.
State and Federal Special Education COVID-19 Guidance - Guidance provided by Federal and State agencies. Check out Compensatory Services.
Facility Schools COVID-19 Updates - Information specifically related to facility schools.
Send Us Your Links
If you have any links or resources that you have found useful, please send them to us by commenting on this blog post or emailing Roxanne.